About the blogger

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I'm in my second year as the College Recruitment Officer, and it's gratifying to see so many of the people I helped get started here in classes and moving toward brighter futures. I'm a true education advocate, having earned a bachelor's degree in English from the University of New Mexico and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Utah. I've also worked in public relations and as a newspaper reporter and a librarian.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why is this woman smiling?

When I first came to work at MCC, I encountered a strange and delightful creature I'd never been exposed to before: the math professor. These people turned any gathering into a wild and crazy math-fest. Oddest of all, they obviously loved math; they ate, drank and slept it. Two of these rare animals--faculty member Laurel Clifford and Academic Chair Eric Aurand, a math Ph.D.--shared some of this crazy-crazy-math-love with about three dozen school teachers recently when they facilitated a professional development training workshop. Many of the teachers were as math-o-phobic as I am, having never taken a college-level math course. I have no doubt they came out of the week-long workshop not only knowing more about math but also appreciating something of its beauty. You can read more about the training on the Mohave Wire.

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