About the blogger

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I'm in my second year as the College Recruitment Officer, and it's gratifying to see so many of the people I helped get started here in classes and moving toward brighter futures. I'm a true education advocate, having earned a bachelor's degree in English from the University of New Mexico and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Utah. I've also worked in public relations and as a newspaper reporter and a librarian.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Register later!

One of our favorite tag lines around here is "Register Now!" But for new students it's important to bear in mind that there are a few very important things that need to happen before registering. In fact, the actual act of registering is your last step to becoming a full-fledged MCC student. Here's what should happen first:
  • Apply for financial aid at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ and wait for your award letter.
  • If you've gone to another college, have your official transcripts sent to MCC's Registrar's Office.
  • Fill out the online admissions application on our Web site and come in to complete your paperwork and receive your new MCC student ID number. Give the application two business days to be processed.
  • With MCC ID in hand, take the Compass placement assessment.
  • See an academic advisor to map out your course plan and sign up for new student orientation.
  • When you get your financial aid award letter, see a financial aid advisor and complete your other paperwork.
  • Attend new student orientation and while you're there -- TA! DA! -- register for your classes.

It seems like a lot, so if you get lost in the process, give me a call at 928-505-3393, or drop by Answer Tuesday, any Tuesday this summer, from 4-6 p.m. in the 200 building lobby.

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