About the blogger

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I'm in my second year as the College Recruitment Officer, and it's gratifying to see so many of the people I helped get started here in classes and moving toward brighter futures. I'm a true education advocate, having earned a bachelor's degree in English from the University of New Mexico and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Utah. I've also worked in public relations and as a newspaper reporter and a librarian.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Heating up

It's been winter for a while now (winter Havasu-style, which most people in the country wouldn't recognize as winter), so I haven't had occassion to comment on one of our city's outstanding characteristics: H-E-A-T. And when I say heat, I mean toasty summers with daytime temps well over 110 for weeks on end and lows in the 90s (burrrr!). After what has seemed like a cool spring, today (it's currenlty 88) we are finally getting an inkling of what lies not far ahead. This heat wave won't last long -- the temperature is due to drop 30 degrees by Thursday -- but it's been nice to get a glimpse of summer.

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