About the blogger

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I'm in my second year as the College Recruitment Officer, and it's gratifying to see so many of the people I helped get started here in classes and moving toward brighter futures. I'm a true education advocate, having earned a bachelor's degree in English from the University of New Mexico and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Utah. I've also worked in public relations and as a newspaper reporter and a librarian.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Please come again

Thanks to everyone who dropped by the campus Friday afternoon to "discover" MCC during our first MCC Discovery night. We got a chance to show off our people and have a lot of substantial conversations with people who want to chart a course for themselves in life. A few visitors, mostly the young ones, were lucky enough to find their way to the Gallery where our Student Art Show is on exhibit and where the students themselves were demonstrating their artfulness. Art is a part of our campus life that brings a lot of value, even though it's often overlooked. Thanks, also, to everyone who stayed late on a Friday night to help out with "Discovery." Everyone had a great attitude, and I think we showed potential students what we already know: that MCC is a friendly and inclusive place where you can also get a terrific education.

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